Cox Elite Gamer

Client: Cox
Role: Associate Creative Director

In 2019 Cox released Elite Gamer, a product which gave gamers a direct connection to game servers across the country, reducing lag lowering ping. As part of the launch for Elite Gamer, FCB was asked to develop a branded landing page which explained the Elite Gamer offering and its benefits to gamers.

Elite Gamer Mobile

Since this was a new product launch, the Cox team did explorations to align the Elite Gamer brand with competitors in the gaming industry. The visual explorations involved ensuring our lifestyle photography expressed the sense of legitimacy in the gaming community. Similarly with content, we wanted to make sure we were using terminology that explained the Elite Gamer technology in a way that makes sense to an expert userbase.

Brand Explorations

 Although most of the page was using our Cox design system components, we wanted to add in a custom animated hero to create a more dynamic introduction to the Elite Gamer product. We worked with the internal FCB development team to create the a hero video that will loop to create a seamless transition.

 Elite Gamer Desktop

Since Elite Gamer launched in 2019, the product has been promoted as an add-on to all customers purchasing Cox internet.

The live page can be seen on


Work created by:

Peter DeGuzman - Senior Art Director
Adam Repp - Associate Creative Director (Copy)